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Writer's pictureAmy L. Maida, M.Ed

Beyond the Buzz: Unraveling the Myth of One-Size-Fits-All Learning

Updated: Feb 17

Ah, "evidenced based learning," the educational buzzword that's been buzzing around like a bee in a bonnet, demanding every teacher to magically transform into a Sherlock Holmes of the classroom, deducing the perfect formula for each unique snowflake of a student. Well, let me tell you, dear parents, while the intent behind evidenced based learning is as noble as a knight in shining armor, the reality is often as elusive as a unicorn. Why?

Because not even the most dedicated teacher, armed with reams of data and the best intentions, can claim a 100%, or even 50%, success rate in tailoring their teaching to meet the idiosyncratic needs of every student.

Why, you ask? Let's dive into the heart of the matter. First off, let's break down this highfalutin term. "Evidenced based learning" is essentially the academic equivalent of saying, "show me the proof that your teaching methods are working." It's like asking a chef to provide a chemical analysis of why their food tastes good. Sure, it sounds reasonable on paper, but when you're dealing with the complex, unpredictable nature of human beings (especially the miniature variety known as students), it's a whole different ballgame.

Now, don't get me wrong. Every teacher's dream is to see their students flourish and grow like well-watered plants in a sunlit garden. But here's the rub: every student is a unique blend of strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, and about a million other variables. Some kids absorb math like sponges in water, while others find their groove in the rhythm of words. And then there are those who don't seem to fit the traditional molds of learning at all, blooming in their own time, often outside the confines of the classroom.

The quest for "evidenced based learning" can, unintentionally, turn into a stress-inducing marathon for students, with teachers chasing after elusive targets, armed with their spreadsheets and test scores. But here's the silver lining, the pièce de résistance, if you will. When parents step into the arena, armed with the understanding of their child's unique learning profile, the game changes.

So, how do you arm yourself? By becoming a detective in your own right. Ask yourself (and your child:

  1. How does my student learn best? Through visuals, listening, or getting their hands dirty?

  2. Do they thrive in the energy of group learning, or do they find their zen in solitude?

  3. What lights up their brain? Is it the abstract beauty of art, the dynamic flow of dance, the logical puzzles of science and math?

  4. Are they the type who needs a gentle nudge (or a loud alarm) to keep on track and remember what they're supposed to be learning?

  5. Are they problem solvers who look at a challenge and say, "Bring it on"?

  6. Ah, and here's the cherry on top, the question that might just be the key to unlocking the mysterious puzzle of your child's learning style: Are they the type who needs every step laid out with military precision, a detailed roadmap from A to B to Z? Or are they the adventurous sort, those intrepid explorers of knowledge who prefer a few breadcrumbs of information to blaze their own trail?

When a student can articulate these aspects of their learning identity, and when parents can communicate this to teachers, we open the door to a more personalized learning experience.

It's not about fitting the student into the evidenced based learning box; it's about expanding the box to encompass the multifaceted reality of each student's learning journey.

So, while "evidenced based learning" may not be the holy grail it's made out to be, it doesn't mean we toss it out with the bathwater. It's a starting point, a conversation opener between parents, students, and teachers. It's about building a bridge between the data-driven demands of education and the rich, complex tapestry of individual student needs. And who knows? With a little understanding, patience, and collaboration, we might just find that sweet spot where learning becomes as natural as breathing.

Ready to turn the tide on your child's education? Dive deeper into understanding their unique learning journey and become the advocate they need. Share your stories, successes, and challenges with us in the comments below or on social media.

Better yet, enroll in our Digital Course, Crack The Code: Parent Masterclass at, let's redefine learning for the better. Because when we acknowledge every child's individuality, the possibilities for growth are endless. Join the conversation now!


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