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Writer's pictureAmy L. Maida, M.Ed

Yes I'm a Reading Specialist with a Dyslexic son. This is my rant.

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

...Just my rant from 7 years ago.

I just received a letter from my son's school in the US MAIL.

An actual stamped letter handwritten letter.

I am very impressed.

However, this just means that a lot of time, (which equals MONEY) was wasted informing me that my son, according to standardized tests, is NOT reading at grade level.

What would the school personnel have found out if they called me? Better yet, what would the school would have found if they reviewed my son's file?

1.) He has a medical diagnosis of Dyslexia.

2.) He has a vision impairment that significantly impairs his ability to read and read fluently, and can't comprehend what you can't read.

3.) Medical diagnosis of inattentive ADD. This is evidenced by his inconsistent test scores throughout the years.

4.) PsychoEducational Evaluation showing his AMAZING auditory abilities. Read TO him, and he will answer the question with proficiency. I dare you to read him a higher-level text!

So, yes, his reading abilities are BELOW grade level, and probably ALWAYS will be.

And, NO, they do not have permission to pull him out of classes to put him in a small reading group, with a non-certified Teacher or Reading Specialist- and away from content and conversation that is engaging.

He may not be able to decode as quickly as everyone else, but is certainly able to learn and comprehend at high levels.

The amount of money and time that our highly paid, highly qualified professionals spend wasted is insurmountable.!

They would save money if they would STOP relying on STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES!! -oh, and it's proven that those small 'reading' groups, with non-certified teachers do NOT suddenly assist non-readers become readers. Typically these small groups are filled with non-readers, all reading text ALOUD, individually- and highly distractable being lead by parents. This impedes learning, bores the kids and results in kids HATING reading, more than they already do.

I don't know one person who enjoys doing something they're not good at! Do you?


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