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Writer's pictureAmy L. Maida, M.Ed

Coping with Anxiety in School: 5 Practical Tips for Parents

Anxiety and the emotions it brings are a silent but powerful enemy that can affect anyone, regardless of age or background. It's especially prevalent among school-aged children and adolescents, with approximately 30% of students struggling with anxiety at some point during their academic careers.

It's no secret that school can be a challenging environment that ignites emotions for many students. From academic pressure to social expectations, the constant stress and demands can be overwhelming, making school seem like an impossible challenge.

But, Anxiety, since it's such a common diagnosis with students, now needs to be addressed. Anxiety can manifest in various ways for different individuals, making it challenging to recognize and address. Some may experience physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach aches, while others may have difficulty concentrating or struggle with perfectionism.

In recent times, anxiety has been largely demonized, often presented as an unwelcome intruder that disrupts our daily lives. However, it's important to realize that not all anxiety is harmful. In fact, anxiety plays a crucial role in our survival instincts, serving as a natural response to potentially dangerous situations by heightening our senses and preparing us for action. Additionally, a moderate level of anxiety can actually enhance performance by promoting focus and motivation. Anxiety isn't always a bad thing; it's our body's own quirky way of keeping us on our toes!

Let's keep it real though. I'm a mother of (5) darlings and know first-hand that parents, sometimes without even realizing it, can unknowingly fuel anxiety in their children. But when they load up young minds with towering expectations and a never-ending barrage of academic and athletic pressures, it's like trying to fit an elephant in a phone booth—tiny setbacks suddenly feel like monumental disasters! Oh, on the other hand, let's not forget about overprotectiveness! By shielding kids from challenges and failure, parents inadvertently turn them into anxiety magnets. And to top it off, a lack of open and honest communication creates a breeding ground for secrecy and anxiety.

So, here's a reminder: parents, strive to create an environment that's all about understanding and acceptance, where kids feel valued and heard, no matter what they achieve.

So, what can parents do to help their anxious students overcome their anxiety without feeling overcome by it? Here are a few tips to help manage anxiety and thrive in the school environment:

1. Understand the roots of anxiety: It's important for students to understand what triggers their anxiety. This might be related to academic pressures, social relationships, or family expectations. By identifying the root cause of their anxiety, students can begin to take steps to address these issues. Talk to the school, use our school-evaluation template. Could your son/daughter have an undiagnosed learning disability that is causing the debilitating anxiety?

2. Create an environment of understanding and acceptance: Encouraging open communication and understanding in the home and school environments can help alleviate anxiety. When students feel heard and supported, they are better equipped to manage their anxiety.

3. Practice self-care: Encouraging students to engage in self-care activities, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends and family, can help alleviate anxiety. It's important for students to prioritize their mental and physical well-being.

4. Set realistic expectations: Many students feel overwhelmed by the high expectations set for them by their parents or teachers. Encouraging realistic expectations and celebrating small victories can help reduce anxiety and build confidence.

5. Seek professional help if needed: For some students, anxiety can be overwhelming and may require professional support. It's important for students to seek help from a counselor or therapist who can provide strategies for managing anxiety and building resilience.

In our upcoming blog post, I'll be sharing a series of thought-provoking questions to help you delve deep into your emotions, uncovering the root causes of anxiety. Stay tuned for some insightful self-reflection.

Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety as a student? Take the first step towards a more balanced and empowered life by visiting and exploring the resources available through The EmpowerU Academy: Unlock Potential Digital Course!"

Struggling with Anxiety in School?


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